We compiled some of our favorite juice and smoothie recipes to help you defeat this cold and flu season. These recipes are divided into three sections: Immune-Boosting Recipes, Gut-Friendly Recipes and Mood-Boosting Recipes. To keep your immune system strong, you need to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Juicing is one of the most easy and effective ways to give our body the boost of nutrients it needs. It's excellent for helping our digestive system stay healthy so we can strengthen our immune system. Give your immune system a helping hand with these healthy recipes to get you back on your feet!


In this section, you will find four easy-to-make recipes that are packed with immune-boosting ingredients. The ingredients in these recipes have been carefully curated to ensure they offer your body the most beneficial nutrients possible, specifically when it comes to promoting strong immunity. 


Beautiful in color and bold in flavor, this nourishing juice is sure to put a spring in your step. Beets are rich in immune-boosting vitamin C and contain an abundance of potassium, iron, and magnesium. These valuable nutrients are key to keeping our immune system strong, especially during cold and flu season. Ginger has also been shown to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Combined with vitamins and minerals, including energizing vitamin B provided by the leafy greens, this easy-to-make juice is as delicious as it is healthy. 

  • 1 large beet

  • 1 cup chopped kale and/or spinach

  • ½ bulb fennel

  • ½ inch piece of ginger root

  • ½ inch piece of turmeric

  • ½ small organic lime (with skin)

  • ½ apple


Cucumbers are a good source of free-radical fighting antioxidants. They also contain vitamin C and magnesium to help keep your immune system strong. Celery helps to enhance the immune system due to its abundance of beneficial minerals including potassium and folate. With a delicious flavor thanks to the lime, this simple recipe is sure to become a family favorite. Try making a large batch of this recipe and freeze the juice as ice cubes to save for a later date.

  • 2 to 3 sticks celery
  • ½ large cucumber

  • ½ bulb fennel

  • ½ small organic lime (with skin)

  • ½ apple

  • ½ orange


You are probably familiar with the expression, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” That’s because apples are rich in nutrients to help keep our immune system strong. The skin of apples contains flavonoids which helps to regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. Apples are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help to keep us healthy during times of widespread illness. Carrots are rich in beta carotene to reduce the damage to our cells as well as keeping inflammation at bay. Try making this juice first thing in the morning to start your day on the path to wellness.

  • 2 carrots

  • 1 large beet

  • 1 apple

  • ½ small organic lemon (with skin)

  • 1 ½ cup swiss chard


This smoothie recipe tastes so good you wouldn’t even know that it is rich in nutrients to keep your immune system strong! That’s because delicious berries contain an abundance of anthocyanins. These flavonoids are extremely potent antioxidants which keep our immune system operating at optimal capacity. Berries also help to reduce inflammation in our body, keeping us healthy. The raw honey is rich in antioxidants and has powerful antibacterial properties, helping to keep the digestive system working properly while simultaneously boosting immunity.

  • ½ cup frozen berries

  • ½ apple, cut into slices

  • ½ orange

  • ½ cup nut milk

  • ½ cup yogurt

  • 1 tbsp raw honey


Not only do most of our immune system reside within our gut, but the “good bacteria” also helps our immune system stay strong. When there is a lack of these friendly bugs or overgrowth in bad bacteria, that’s when we can start to experience a slew of symptoms. These recipes include ingredients that are not only easy to digest but contain nutrients to help your gut stay healthy and happy. 


This pretty little juice recipe packs a powerful punch, especially when it comes to promoting good gut health. That’s because carrots have been shown to promote proper digestion by helping to stimulate the digestive juices within our gut. It has also been shown to reduce inflammation while giving us a boost of valuable vitamins that include vitamin A, potassium and biotin. The acid in lemon juice can help to break down the food we eat, helping our body extract the maximum amount of nutrients we need to stay healthy and happy. Try drinking this juice 20 minutes before a meal to assist in the digestion process.

  • 4 carrots
  • 1 apple

  • 1 large beet

  • ½ small organic lemon (with skin)


Just like lemons, limes are acidic, helping to assist with the production of saliva and breaking down our food for optimal digestion. They are also rich in vitamin C which in turn helps to boost our immunity. In addition to this, the cucumber is highly alkalizing and hydrating, rich in nutrients like vitamin C. Enjoy this fresh juice with a meal and if you have a fresh sprig of mint on hand, add it to the blend for a crisp, refreshing flavor.

  • 1 small organic lime (with skin)

  • 1 apple

  • ½ large cucumber

  • A handful of greens

  • 1 sprig mint (optional) 


If you are a fan of eating delicious ripe tomatoes, you are going to love this recipe! Not only are tomatoes rich in immune-boosting vitamin C, but the juice has also been shown to aid in regular elimination. This greatly benefits our digestion, helping us feel light, healthy and energized as we go about our day. The ginger paired with turmeric is anti-viral and anti-bacterial and it can help to reduce inflammation throughout our body. For an extra boost of nourishing vitamins, be sure to juice lemons with the skin on.  

  • 3 ripe tomatoes

  • 2 celery sticks

  • ½ inch piece ginger

  • ½ inch piece turmeric

  • ½ small organic lemon (skin on)


Pineapple lovers, rejoice! This simple yet unique smoothie is full of immune-boosting nutrients and gut-friendly enzymes to help promote proper digestion. Pineapple is an excellent source of bromelain, an enzyme that helps our bodies digest the food we eat. Pineapple is also rich in vitamin C to help promote strong immunity. The probiotics in the yogurt pack an extra punch of gut-friendly bacteria, helping us to stay in our A-game all season long. The fiber from the oats helps promote regular elimination and gives the smoothie a satisfying thickness and flavor. 

  • 1 banana, peeled

  • ½ cup nut milk

  • ½ cup yogurt

  • ½ cup frozen pineapple 

  • ½ cup frozen berries

  • ¼ cup oats


Avoiding getting sick can be a stressful experience. In fact, stress can actually weaken the immune system, leading to a decrease in our overall quality of life. That’s why it is equally important to focus on promoting positivity and mental wellness. 


The star of this uplifting recipe is the grapefruit, which is packed with nutrients to help you look, feel and act at your very best. Grapefruit is an excellent source of immune-boosting vitamin C, and its aroma is known to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Drinking fresh grapefruit juice in the morning helps you feel refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day. The added bonus to this recipe is the ginger and turmeric, both of which can reduce inflammation in our bodies, helping to reduce symptoms that lead to fatigue and unhappiness. 

  • 2 carrots

  • 1 grapefruit

  • ½ inch piece ginger

  • ½ inch piece turmeric

  • 1 sprig mint (optional) 


Is stress wearing down on you? If you find yourself feeling tired and unmotivated to do much of anything during the day, give this smoothie a try! Not only is it packed with easy-to-digest ingredients and immune-boosting nutrients that include potassium and copper, the avocado gives it an added layer of wellness benefits. Avocados are a good source of folate which has been shown to help relieve anxiety. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids to assist in lifting your mood and promoting better brain health. 

  • 1 cup nut milk

  • 1 banana

  • 1 cup fresh spinach leaves

  • ½ cup pineapple

  • ¼ avocado

  • ¼ cup shredded coconut (optional)


Leafy greens are an important part of an immune-boosting diet and they are rich in magnesium which plays a key role in brain function and mood. More than half of Americans are low on magnesium, leading to an increase in depression and anxiety. Adding leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach and chard is a wonderful way to increase your intake of this mood-boosting nutrient.

  • 2 celery stalks

  • 1 apple

  • 1 ½ cup fresh spinach leaves

  • ½ inch piece ginger

  • ½ inch piece turmeric

  • ½ grapefruit


Feeling a bit bummed out? This zesty juice recipe will certainly help to elevate your mood! Fennel gives this juice a warm and comforting flavor in addition to some digestion benefits. Celery contains 3-n-butylphthalide, a chemical that has been shown to lower the concentration of stress hormones in the blood. Dehydration can make our symptoms of stress worse and lead to a residual build-up of toxins in our bodies. Cucumbers have high-water content which helps our body stay hydrated. We suggest making this juice recipe first thing in the morning so you can start your day refreshed and hydrated. 

  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup chopped kale
  • ½ large cucumber
  • ½ inch piece of ginger
  • ½ grapefruit
  • ¼ bulb fennel
  • web nuc